Saint studio

Improvement and quality

Our products

Killfest is a fast-paced arcade FPS that fuels your adrenaline rush! Shoot and slice your way through the pit by yourself or with friends! Think fast and coordinate your assault as you progress though waves of unique and challenging foes.

Triangle Separator 2 is a powerful tool that can be used to slice, break, section and extract meshes. It has many performance improvements and new features over the original version. Get it on the Unity Asset Store!

Go Home Annie is a twisted first-person horror adventure. We worked alongside Misfit Village to develop this game.

The original Triangle Separator tool. It's execution was simple but it works quite well. Now it's free on the Unity Asset Store.

What we do?

Saint Studio strives to build quality games and tools for creating content that is put on the marketplace. Some of the tools are made public on the Unity Asset Store where you can buy them. Feel free to contact us for any product information.